God’s Creation

“I sing for joy at the work of Your hands,” is a line from a song entitled “Shout to the Lord” by Darlene Zschech.  I was listening to it one summer day as I was gazing out the bedroom window of our new home.  I was enjoying the bright blue sky and the view of tall pines when those words suddenly jumped out at me and I was filled with such wonder and awe at God’s marvelous creation that I could barely stand it!

More often I fail to see the ordinary beauty around me because I long for the spectacular experiences I’ve had like staring down into the Grand Canyon or hiking to a mountaintop in Yellowstone National Park to see the sunrise.  But all moments of life are spectacular in their own way, and the challenge is to see the miracle in the mundane.  To see the world around us like an infant discovering it for the first time.  Babies get so excited!  Everything has a name–a language learned.  Tree, flower, sun, bird!  How spectacular!  How do we busy, burdened adults recapture the wonder of an infant?  I should like to keep trying!

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